WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. CAIRNGORMS LOCAL OUTDOOR ACCESS FORUM Final draft 9 August 2005 CAIRNGORMS LOCAL OUTDOOR ACCESS FORUM OPERATING PRINCIPLES The Cairngorms Local Access Forum is established under section 25 of the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003. It will have a maximum of 21 members and include one CNPA Board member. The Forum will comprise of members appointed to it by the Cairngorms National Park Authority. The CNPA and the Forum itself will keep membership of the Forum under review, including a review of the public agency involvement. Name and area of operation 1. a. The group will be called the CAIRNGORMS LOCAL OUTDOOR ACCESS FORUM (referred to below as the Forum). b. The Forum’s area of operation will include all land within the boundary of the Cairngorms National Park. Objectives and Functions 2. The objectives and functions of the Forum shall be: a. To act as the local access forum for Cairngorms National Park and to undertake the functions of that body in terms of Section 25 of the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003; b. To advise Cairngorms National Park Authority (CNPA) on strategic access issues and the drawing up and adoption of a Core Paths Plan in terms of its responsibility under Section 17 of the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003; c. To advise the Authority in the preparation of its Outdoor Access Strategy; d. To advise the Authority and any other person or body consulting it, on the existence and delineation of rights of way and the exercise of access rights; e. To promote responsible access and land management through assisting the Authority in publicising the Scottish Outdoor Access Code; f. To promote discussion and the sharing of knowledge, awareness and good practice in outdoor access matters; g. To support the provision of appropriate infrastructure that improves responsible access to the countryside for all; and h. To offer advice that will assist in the resolution of outdoor access disputes. Structure and Membership 3. a. The Forum consists of such persons as are appointed to it by the Park Authority but in line with good practice shall include representation from the following key sectors: Land Managers; Community Interests; Recreational Users; and Public Agencies. . The Forum shall select a Convenor and Vice Convenor to serve a term of three years. c. Forum members are appointed for a two-year period. After this duration, Forum members will be invited to extend their membership for either one or two years, by self-selection initially, but organised so as to achieve a balance of three-year memberships and four-year memberships, while maintaining a balance across the four sectors. d. Future appointments will be made for a term of three years. No member shall serve more than six continuous years on the Forum. e. The Forum may establish subgroups for the purposes of advising the Forum on area or topic based outdoor access matters. Subgroups may comprise of Forum members, and include external interests and specialist advisers. f. If a representative fails to attend three consecutive meetings their membership may be rescinded and the CNPA asked to instigate selection of a replacement. g. The public agencies are charged with the responsibility for nominating a suitable officer to attend meetings, or delegate a substitute if the main member is unable to attend. Proceedings of meetings 4. a. The Forum will hold meetings no fewer than four times year. b. The location of Forum meetings will circulate around the Cairngorms National Park. c. A full review of the operation of the Forum will take place two years from March 2005. d. There will be an annual standing item on the agenda for the Forum to review its progress. Administration of meetings 5. a. CNPA staff will be responsible for the administrative support, accommodation and facilities for meetings of the Forum. b. The CNPA may provided secretariat for Forum sub-groups at it’s own discretion. c. All Forum members shall receive business papers by both email and by post to be circulated no less than 5 working days before the next meeting. d. Comments on papers received prior to the meeting from members who are unable to attend, will be circulated to the whole Forum. e. Minutes shall be kept of all Forum meetings. f. Minutes and agendas of meetings will be circulated to CNPA Board Members and to neighbouring local access forums; and made available to the public through the CNPA website and on request. g. Meeting agendas shall be agreed between the Convenor and the CNPA staff as secretariat. Any member may have an input to the agenda through the Convenor. Communication issues 6. a The Forum shall achieve communication with people interested in outdoor access in the Cairngorms National Park, in accordance with a Communications Plan, which will establish the purpose, nature and methods of such communication. Fran Pothecary August 2005 franpothecary@cairngorms.co.uk